כולל היכל התורה

23 years of excellence in Torah

Heichal Hatorah Kollel is one of the foremost institutions of higher rabbinic scholarship in Europe with almost 30 full time members. At its head is Rabbi Michoel Ber Weissmandl Shlita, an outstanding scholar with the rabbinic experience, knowledge and leadership skills to nurture the young men of the Kollel to their full potential within a rigorous learning program.

Read more about the Kollel

Our new building

Quotes from the Gedolim

Rav Shteinman Ztl at the Semicha trip

See full Semicha trip clip

Fortunate are your supporters, may my share be amongst theirs!

- Rav Shmuel Wosner Ztl (Shvat 5773)

Everyone wants to have a share in this kollel because this is his zchus hatorah.

- Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky (Shvat 5777)

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