כולל היכל התורה

Semicha trip

In January 2013 The Kollel Members together with the Rosh Hakollel paid a visit to the Gedolei Hador in Eretz Yisroel to be tested to gain Rabbinical ordination. The visit to Eretz Yisrael was the culmination of five years of intensive learning by all the members of the kollel. After learning the whole of Tractate Chulin in depth, the kollel began in earnest learning Tur Shulchan Aruch, Beis Yosef, and Shulchon Aruch with all major commentators.

During the last three months in particular, the learning in the beis hamedrash reached new standards of diligence. The demanding schedule of review continued without pause. The in-depth discussion between Kollel members brought an even higher level of unity to the whole Kollel. Even on their journey, the yungeleit were totally immersed in a higher world of learning.

Click below to watch a ten-minute clip from this inspiring trip.

Click here to download this video (110Mb)

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